
Adopt a needy Farmer and help to feed his family!

About the farmer

Primi Devi

Primi Devi, a resident of Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, is a domestic helper and works in peoples’ livestock pens, to support her family. Along with this she also manages her household work. Her husband works as a daily wage worker, and it is very difficult for him to manage his family with whatever he earns.

They do not have their own house and are living in a house on rent. Primi devi also works for their landlord to compensate some of her house rent.

Neither they have much land for farming nor does anything grow there due to low nutritional rate of the land. Low income doesn’t give them opportunity to provide the required nourishment and other sources to the land. They have 2 children, a girl and a boy, aged 17 and 13 respectively. Both the children are studying in the school. Education system demand hefty amount which is unbearable with other expenses.

It is very difficult for a lady to work whole day in other’s farms and manage her own household work with such low income. She want to work on her own land with her husband and start earning out of agriculture. Which can be made possible with your support. Little act of yours can make a big difference is many lives.

How can you help?

You can help a farmer by adopting his expenses for a particular category or more such as seeds, fertilizers, machinery etc. for a season (6 months) or more (till 3 years). You can even help this farmer and his family by paying a random amount of money according to your will. You can even start from Rs 100.

Your single penny can help a farmer to cultivate his crops and feed his family.